Congress Programme 
       Second century forum  
       Workshops and General Assembly  

Workshop | Cataloguing and Documentation Commission (CDC)
Updating the FIAF cataloguing rules
This workshop will outline the progress made to date on the FIAF Cataloguing and Documentation Commission's project to revise and update the FIAF Cataloguing Rules. Commission members will describe efforts to coordinate this work with other international cataloguing initiatives currently in development, such as the Centre Europeen de Normalisation (CEN) project to standardize cataloging and indexing cinematographic works and the international cataloging standard RDA: Resource Description and Access. The workshop will provide an opportunity for all attendees to share ideas and needs for the project and to comment on its direction and goals.

Workshops | Technical Commission (TC)

   April 25    General assembly

• First session
9 a.m. → 12:30 a.m. | Salle Henri Langlois, Cinémathèque française

1. Opening of the 64th FIAF General Assembly

2. Confirmation of the status and voting rights of the affiliates present or represented

3. Adoption of the agenda

4. Approval of the minutes of the GA held in Tokyo, Japan

5. Report of the President on behalf of the Executive Committee

6. Affiliation
a. Report of the Secretary General on current affiliation
b. Notification of expulsion of late Associate fee payers : Alger, Bogotá-CD, Kabul, Jakarta, La Paz, Managua, México-FCT, Ouagadougou
c. Vote on expulsion of late Members fees payers
d. New affiliates
e. Other

7. Specialised commissions and working groups
a. Cataloguing and Documentation Commission and P.I.P. (CDC)
b. Programming and Access to Collections Commission (PACC)
c. Technical Commission (TC)
d. FIAF Strategy Plan
e. Other

• Second session
2 p.m. → 6 p.m. | Salle Henri Langlois, Cinémathèque française

8. Publications and other projects
a. FIAF Manifesto
b. PFIAF Award 2008 and 2009
c. Reel Emergency Project
d. FIAF Oral History
e. 27 October - UNESCO World Day of the Audiovisual Heritage
f. Joint Technical Symposium (JTS)
g. Journal of Film Preservation
h. Professional Training :
  . Bologna Restoration School, FIAF summer school 2008/2009
  . Africa / Middle East / Asia
  . Latin America, School on Wheels Ibermedia
  . Pacific Rim
i. Restoration Chart
j. Other

9. Relations with UNESCO and Other International Organisations and Regional Groupings
a. UNESCO, Co-ordinating Council of Audiovisual Archives Associations (CCAAA), Other Moving Images Archives Associations (FIAF and non-FIAF) and Regional Groupings
b. Other

10. Future Congresses
a. 2009: Buenos Aires
b. 2010: Oslo
c. 2011: Formal invitation from Pretoria
d. 2012: Formal invitation from Beijing
e. 2013 and beyond

   April 26    General assembly

• Third session
9 a.m → 4 p.m. | Salle Henri Langlois, Cinémathèque française

11. Financial reports 2007 - 2009 (voting session)
a. Results 2007
b. Comments on Budget 2008
c. Budget 2009

12. Open Forum
a. Registration/Announcement Open Forum Subjects
b. Open Forum Session

13. Closure of the 64th FIAF Congress
